We generally give you the maximum number of refills on your medications that we feel are safe and appropriate. After that, a return visit is required for your safety and for medical / legal reasons. Therefore if you have no further refills on your medications, then please make an appointment for a return visit.
Please anticipate that you will run out of your medications, and call to make an appointment well ahead of time so that you do not run out. Please do NOT wait until the last day. It will take some time to make you an appointment and see you.
If you have refills already, then ask the pharmacy directly.
We realize that everyone is busy and prefers to not come to the clinic if not necessary, however, this is our office's policy. We can not give refills for long periods of time without seeing the patient. If you have not been seen in over 6 months, then it is common sense that you need to be seen. Please do not call and ask for a refill.
Also, we generally can NOT call medications to other states outside of California.
If these policies conflict with your schedule, then please make arrangement to transfer care to another dermatology group. Thank you for you understanding.
-S. Yashar MD